
47 Peer Review Profile Essay

Peer Review Profile 1: Copy 2x and write substantive comments in at least 4 slots for each profile you review

Essay Element Looking good! Needs a bit of work. Here are my suggestions . . .
Catchy title–either keywords or a phrase you used in the essay or the dominant impression
Introduction introduces person and will use some other technique: orient reader to the issue, give context on where/ how the interview took place, or interviewee quote
Thesis ENDS intro: one-sentence statement that sums up the interviewee’s overall perspective on this community change topic/issue
Body paragraphs are developed with enough detail
Body paragraphs are organized in a way that flows easily and is logical
Interviewer’s observations about their interviewee included seamlessly
Interviewee is presented in a ‘round’ way—real, relatable, complex
Body does NOT read like a Q & A. Few interviewer’s questions are mentioned—no more than 3.
Conclusion repeats/reflects thesis, includes some reflection on the part of the writer, and may include an optional quote from interviewee. Leaves reader with dominant impression of this person they interviewed
Works Cited for the interview AND any other sources used as part of an introductory move



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